One of the most frequent reasons of pelvic pain is dysmenorrhea. It not only decries patients daily of life but also results in activity of restriction. Although a physical examination, including a pelvic examination in patients may reveal the cause, preoperative diagnosis of such cases can be challenging and they also can be miss-diagnosed occasionally and thus could be led into bigger problems in the post period time. In this study, we report the case of an 18-year-old adolescent who had recurrent pelvic pain regularly at the time of menses as well as routine menstrual cycle complaints. The patient underwent ultrasonography and magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging of the pelvis. The diagnosis was non communicating rudimentary uterine horn of a unicornuate uterus with two cervix according to test results. An urgent laparoscopy was performed and the symptoms and complaints were perished after the successful surgery. Diagnosis and management of this congenital anomaly was a challenging issue due to the complexity of the anatomic structures, nonspecific disagreements, and heterogenic presentation. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the diagnosis and therapy choices which could be remedy for this rare condition, moreover, to increase awareness of dysmenorrhea.
Authors: Nilufer AKGUN, Esra AKTEPE KESKIN, Huseyin Levent KESKIN
Key Words: Uterus rudimentary horn, müllerian anomalies, dysmenorrhea